Plug flow (tubular) reactor

Plug flow (tubular) reactor

The chances are you will have come into contact with at least one of these today: the ingredients in your tooth paste, soap, plastic. Many of us don’t give too much thought to where they come from. A lot of these things are manufactured in chemical reactors. Daniel...
Managing heat transfer in continuous flow at scale

Managing heat transfer in continuous flow at scale

Most chemical reactions release heat and many require accurate thermal control to maintain an optimum temperature. It is not only a question of safety and preventing reaction runaway, it is often a question of product yield and quality. The Michael addition of amines...
Chemical Process Technologies: Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

Chemical Process Technologies: Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors or CSTRs for short, are the most basic continuous reactors used in chemical processes. In this video, Dr Joe Socci, will be giving an overview of CSTRs and how they differ to simpler batch reactors. How does batch reactors work? CSTRs...
Chemical Process Technologies: Batch Reactor

Chemical Process Technologies: Batch Reactor

In this overview video, we discuss the pros and cons of a stirred batch reactor. Flexibility, scalability, reaction control, energy efficiency and catalyst lifetime are the parameters that are compared in our subjective view. How does batch reactors work? Batch, or...