Temperature Programmed Oxidation of Cu Catalyst

Temperature Programmed Oxidation of Cu Catalyst

Background Temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) is a versatile materials characterisation tool used in catalysis for the elucidation of surface chemistry in catalytic materials. The underlying principle of the technique is simple, hydrogen or oxygen are passed over...
X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)

X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)

Problem A customer aimed to improve the activity and stability of an industrial catalyst establishing understanding relationships between the catalyst recipe, its structure, and performance. Which analysis? Stoli studied coordination and oxidation state of the active...
Characterisation-directed kilo catalyst scale-up

Characterisation-directed kilo catalyst scale-up

Problem A leading European research institution required manufacturing 10 kg of bespoke catalyst for a pilot test. The catalyst preparation procedure was based on a 10 g laboratory-scale process that required developing a scale-up approach. Is the 10 kilo scale a...